Al Larson Boat Shop was established in 1903 and is located at the entrance of Fish Harbor. It consists of 7.70 acres: 2.35 acres of land and 5.35 acres of water including the marina.
Al Larson Boat Shop is a full service shipyard which incorporates four marine railways, a floating drydock and dockside work areas all separated by wood docks and piers. The marine railways range from 100 tons to 1,250 tons with the ability to haul-out barges up to sixty feet wide and two-hundred and fifty feet long. The floating dry dock is two hundred feet long and forty-four feet wide with the ability to haul vessels up to one thousand tons.
In support of the boat yard are wood, welding and machine shops, storage areas, and crew quarters (used when government contracts require office and living space for military personnel). Portable and fixed cranes, portable forklifts, welders, sand blasting equipment, etc., are utilized throughout the facility.